
Character Creation

Allowing players to blaze their own path is important.  House rules should come to the aid of players that are cornered into applying game system dogma.  That stuff gets old, fast.  However, teamwork is also important and players should recognize group objectives also.  Players that design a concept and follow a unique path yet keep the other players in mind usually get an xp bonus for good role-playing.  Additionally, equating your character to such base terms as tank, healer, nuker, skill monkey, DPS, etc. causes the role playing universe to cry. Your character sheet is an empty canvas.  Make your own role. Create.
  1. Determine ability scores using 3d6 or whatever manner the DM allows 
  2. Note adjustments for ability scores 
  3. Choose from the 3 classes
  4. Choose Features
  5. Note Saving Throws (nostalgic saving throws for epic victory)
  6. Choose a Background
  7. Roll hit points.  The DM determines which dice to use for Hit Dice
  8. All players start with 50 GP; go buy stuff
  9. Determine alignment, height/weight, personal stuff
  10. Start Adventuring
A couple things to remember regarding 3PS
  • I make the assumption that you know something about old and new versions of D&D
  • Be aware that the DM's word is final.  Do not argue these rules with the DM.  The DM's word even trumps official rules as written (RAW)
  • Rules are just guidelines.  Don't get too wrapped up in them
  • Skills and Feats are not used in 3PS
  • 3PS can be used with any version of D&D with the exception of 4E 
If you would like to print out a character sheet, here is a link to the pdf files on deviantART:

Character Sheets

Male sheet  -
Female sheet -

The character sheet pdf files look better once you download them from deviantART